Aplus Framework

The app is running! Yep!


Running Aplus 25.1 on Linux with PHP 8.3.17.


19 activities were collected in 126.596 milliseconds:

# Collection Collector Description Runtime 10%20%30%40% 50%60%70%80% 90%100%
1 App default Initialization 51.006
2 App default Runtime 75.59
3 App default Load service debugger:default 1.207
4 App default Load service autoloader:default 2.448
5 App default Load service exceptionHandler:default 9.331
6 App default Load service logger:default 0.304
7 App default Load service language:default 1.736
8 App default Load service router:default 11.559
9 App default Load service response:default 7.832
10 App default Load service request:default 3.197
11 Routing default Serve route collection 1 1.252
12 Routing default Match route 4.787
13 Routing default Run matched route 22.316
14 App default Load service view:default 1.255
15 Views default Render view 1 13.607
16 Language default Render message 1 11.948
17 Language default Render message 2 0.024
18 Views default Render view 2 0.502
19 HTTP default Send response 5.015

Started at: Fri, 28 Mar 2025 07:49:55 +0000

Runtime: 75.59 ms

Memory: 60.266 KB


Loaded Service Instances

Total of 9 service instances loaded.

Service Instances Time to Load
debugger default 1.207
autoloader default 2.448
logger default 0.304
language default 1.736
exceptionHandler default 9.331
request default 3.197
response default 7.832
router default 11.559
view default 1.255

Available Services

There are 18 services available.

# Service Config Instances Return Type
1 antiCsrf default Framework\HTTP\AntiCSRF
2 autoloader default Framework\Autoload\Autoloader
3 cache default Framework\Cache\Cache
4 console default Framework\CLI\Console
5 database default Framework\Database\Database
6 debugger default Framework\Debug\Debugger
7 exceptionHandler default Framework\Debug\ExceptionHandler
8 language default Framework\Language\Language
9 locator default Framework\Autoload\Locator
10 logger default Framework\Log\Logger
11 mailer default Framework\Email\Mailer
12 migrator default Framework\Database\Extra\Migrator
13 request default Framework\HTTP\Request
14 response default Framework\HTTP\Response
15 router default Framework\Routing\Router
16 session default Framework\Session\Session
17 validation default Framework\Validation\Validation
18 view default Framework\MVC\View

18 configurations have been set.

Name Instances Values Time to Load
antiCsrf default
Key Type
enabled bool
token_name string
token_bytes_length int
generate_token_function string
request_instance string
session_instance string
autoloader default
Key Type
register bool
extensions string
namespaces[App] string
cache default
Key Type
class string
configs[directory] string
prefix null
serializer Framework\Cache\Serializer
logger_instance string
console default
Key Type
directories[0] string
directories[1] string
find_in_namespaces bool
language_instance string
locator_instance string
database default
Key Type
config[username] string
config[password] string
config[schema] string
config[host] string
config[port] int
logger_instance string
debugger default
Key Type
debugbar_view null
options[color] string
exceptionHandler default
Key Type
initialize bool
environment string
development_view null
production_view null
search_engine string
logger_instance string
language_instance string
language default
Key Type
default string
current string
supported[0] string
supported[1] string
supported[2] string
fallback_level Framework\Language\FallbackLevel
directories[0] string
find_in_namespaces bool
negotiate bool
locator default
Key Type
autoloader_instance string
logger default
Key Type
class string
destination string
level Framework\Log\LogLevel
mailer default
Key Type
host string
port int
tls bool
username null
password null
charset string
crlf string
keep_alive bool
save_logs bool
migrator default
Key Type
directories[0] string
table string
database_instance string
request default
Key Type
force_https bool
json_flags null
response default
Key Type
auto_etag bool
auto_language bool
cache null
json_flags null
language_instance string
request_instance string
router default
Key Type
files[0] string
auto_options bool
auto_methods bool
response_instance string
language_instance string
session default
Key Type
save_handler[class] string
save_handler[config][prefix] string
save_handler[config][directory] string
save_handler[config][match_ip] bool
save_handler[config][match_ua] bool
logger_instance string
auto_start bool
validation default
Key Type
validators[0] string
validators[1] string
language_instance string
view default
Key Type
base_dir string
extension string
layout_prefix string
include_prefix string
show_debug_comments bool



Namespace Directories
App /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/app/


No class file has been set on this Autoloader instance.

Included Files

Total of 20 included files.

# File Time
1 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/public/index.php
2 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/boot/app.php
3 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/vendor/autoload.php
4 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php
5 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/vendor/composer/platform_check.php
6 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php
7 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/vendor/composer/autoload_static.php
8 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/boot/init.php
9 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/.env.php
10 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/boot/constants.php
11 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/boot/helpers.php
12 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/.config.php
13 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/App.php
14 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/boot/routes.php
15 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/app/Controllers/Home.php
16 /home/developer/.config/composer/vendor/aplus/mvc/src/Debug/Views/toggle-views-hints.php
17 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/app/Views/home/index.php
18 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/app/Languages/en/home.php
19 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/app/Views/_layouts/default.php
20 /home/developer/.config/composer/vendor/aplus/debug/src/Views/debugbar/debugbar.php


File: /home/developer/.config/composer/vendor/aplus/framework/preload.php

User: www-data

Memory: 3.614 MB

Classes: 252


Total of 512 declarations. 252 are preloaded.

# Type Declaration Loaded Time
1 class APCUIterator
2 class AddressInfo
3 class AllowDynamicProperties
4 class Aplus
5 class App
6 class App\Controllers\Home
7 class AppendIterator
8 class ArgumentCountError
9 class ArithmeticError
10 interface ArrayAccess
11 class ArrayIterator
12 class ArrayObject
13 class AssertionError
14 class Attribute
15 interface BackedEnum
16 class BadFunctionCallException
17 class BadMethodCallException
18 class CURLFile
19 class CURLStringFile
20 class CachingIterator
21 class CallbackFilterIterator
22 class ClosedGeneratorException
23 class Closure
24 class Collator
25 class CompileError
26 class ComposerAutoloaderInitc16b36b9a47bf449494afa09a65be142
27 class Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader
28 class Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInitc16b36b9a47bf449494afa09a65be142
29 interface Countable
30 class CurlHandle
31 class CurlMultiHandle
32 class CurlShareHandle
33 class DOMAttr
34 class DOMCdataSection
35 class DOMCharacterData
36 interface DOMChildNode
37 class DOMComment
38 class DOMDocument
39 class DOMDocumentFragment
40 class DOMDocumentType
41 class DOMElement
42 class DOMEntity
43 class DOMEntityReference
44 class DOMException
45 class DOMImplementation
46 class DOMNameSpaceNode
47 class DOMNamedNodeMap
48 class DOMNode
49 class DOMNodeList
50 class DOMNotation
51 interface DOMParentNode
52 class DOMProcessingInstruction
53 class DOMText
54 class DOMXPath
55 class DateError
56 class DateException
57 class DateInterval
58 class DateInvalidOperationException
59 class DateInvalidTimeZoneException
60 class DateMalformedIntervalStringException
61 class DateMalformedPeriodStringException
62 class DateMalformedStringException
63 class DateObjectError
64 class DatePeriod
65 class DateRangeError
66 class DateTime
67 class DateTimeImmutable
68 interface DateTimeInterface
69 class DateTimeZone
70 class DeflateContext
71 class Directory
72 class DirectoryIterator
73 class DivisionByZeroError
74 class DomainException
75 class EmptyIterator
76 class Error
77 class ErrorException
78 class Exception
79 class FFI
80 class FFI\CData
81 class FFI\CType
82 class FFI\Exception
83 class FFI\ParserException
84 class FTP\Connection
85 class Fiber
86 class FiberError
87 class FilesystemIterator
88 class FilterIterator
89 class Framework\Autoload\Autoloader
90 class Framework\Autoload\Debug\AutoloadCollection
91 class Framework\Autoload\Debug\AutoloadCollector No 0.002
92 class Framework\Autoload\Locator
93 class Framework\Autoload\Preloader
94 class Framework\CLI\CLI
95 class Framework\CLI\Command
96 class Framework\CLI\Commands\About
97 class Framework\CLI\Commands\AbstractMigration
98 class Framework\CLI\Commands\DatabaseCommand
99 class Framework\CLI\Commands\Help
100 class Framework\CLI\Commands\Index
101 class Framework\CLI\Commands\ListSchemas
102 class Framework\CLI\Commands\MakeRoutes
103 class Framework\CLI\Commands\MergeConfigs
104 class Framework\CLI\Commands\MigrateDown
105 class Framework\CLI\Commands\MigrateTo
106 class Framework\CLI\Commands\MigrateUp
107 class Framework\CLI\Commands\MigrationVersion
108 class Framework\CLI\Commands\Query
109 class Framework\CLI\Commands\Routes
110 class Framework\CLI\Commands\Seed
111 class Framework\CLI\Commands\ShowSchema
112 class Framework\CLI\Commands\ShowTable
113 class Framework\CLI\Console
114 trait Framework\CLI\Streams\FilterStream
115 class Framework\CLI\Streams\Stderr
116 class Framework\CLI\Streams\Stdout
117 enum Framework\CLI\Styles\BackgroundColor
118 enum Framework\CLI\Styles\ForegroundColor
119 enum Framework\CLI\Styles\Format
120 class Framework\Cache\Cache
121 class Framework\Cache\Debug\CacheCollection
122 class Framework\Cache\Debug\CacheCollector
123 class Framework\Cache\FilesCache
124 class Framework\Cache\MemcachedCache
125 class Framework\Cache\RedisCache
126 enum Framework\Cache\Serializer
127 class Framework\Config\Config
128 class Framework\Config\Debug\ConfigCollection
129 class Framework\Config\Debug\ConfigCollector
130 class Framework\Config\Parsers\DatabaseParser
131 class Framework\Config\Parsers\EnvParser
132 class Framework\Config\Parsers\Extra\JsonXMLElement
133 class Framework\Config\Parsers\IniParser
134 class Framework\Config\Parsers\JsonParser
135 class Framework\Config\Parsers\Parser
136 class Framework\Config\Parsers\ParserException
137 class Framework\Config\Parsers\XmlParser
138 class Framework\Config\Parsers\YamlParser
139 class Framework\Crypto\Box
140 class Framework\Crypto\BoxSeal
141 trait Framework\Crypto\BoxTrait
142 class Framework\Crypto\GenericHash
143 class Framework\Crypto\Password
144 class Framework\Crypto\SecretBox
145 class Framework\Crypto\Sign
146 class Framework\Crypto\Utils
147 class Framework\Database\Database
148 class Framework\Database\Debug\DatabaseCollection
149 class Framework\Database\Debug\DatabaseCollector
150 class Framework\Database\Definition\AlterSchema
151 class Framework\Database\Definition\AlterTable
152 class Framework\Database\Definition\CreateSchema
153 class Framework\Database\Definition\CreateTable
154 class Framework\Database\Definition\DropSchema
155 class Framework\Database\Definition\DropTable
156 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Check
157 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Column
158 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\ColumnDefinition
159 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\DateTime\DateColumn
160 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\DateTime\DatetimeColumn
161 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\DateTime\TimeColumn
162 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\DateTime\TimestampColumn
163 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\DateTime\YearColumn
164 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Geometry\GeometryCollectionColumn
165 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Geometry\GeometryColumn
166 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Geometry\LinestringColumn
167 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Geometry\MultilinestringColumn
168 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Geometry\MultipointColumn
169 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Geometry\MultipolygonColumn
170 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Geometry\PointColumn
171 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Geometry\PolygonColumn
172 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Numeric\BigintColumn
173 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Numeric\BitColumn
174 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Numeric\BooleanColumn
175 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Numeric\DecimalColumn
176 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Numeric\FloatColumn
177 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Numeric\IntColumn
178 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Numeric\MediumintColumn
179 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Numeric\NumericDataType
180 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Numeric\SmallintColumn
181 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Numeric\TinyintColumn
182 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\BinaryColumn
183 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\BlobColumn
184 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\CharColumn
185 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\EnumColumn
186 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\JsonColumn
187 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\LongblobColumn
188 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\LongtextColumn
189 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\MediumblobColumn
190 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\MediumtextColumn
191 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\SetColumn
192 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\StringDataType
193 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\TextColumn
194 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\TinyblobColumn
195 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\TinytextColumn
196 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\VarbinaryColumn
197 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\String\VarcharColumn
198 trait Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Traits\DecimalLength
199 trait Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Columns\Traits\ListLength
200 trait Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Constraint
201 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\DefinitionPart
202 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Indexes\Index
203 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Indexes\IndexDefinition
204 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Indexes\Keys\ConstraintKey
205 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Indexes\Keys\ForeignKey
206 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Indexes\Keys\FulltextKey
207 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Indexes\Keys\Key
208 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Indexes\Keys\PrimaryKey
209 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Indexes\Keys\SpatialKey
210 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\Indexes\Keys\UniqueKey
211 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\TableDefinition
212 class Framework\Database\Definition\Table\TableStatement
213 class Framework\Database\Extra\Migration
214 class Framework\Database\Extra\Migrator
215 class Framework\Database\Extra\Seeder
216 class Framework\Database\Manipulation\Delete
217 class Framework\Database\Manipulation\Insert
218 class Framework\Database\Manipulation\LoadData
219 class Framework\Database\Manipulation\Replace
220 class Framework\Database\Manipulation\Select
221 class Framework\Database\Manipulation\Statement
222 trait Framework\Database\Manipulation\Traits\Explain
223 trait Framework\Database\Manipulation\Traits\GroupBy
224 trait Framework\Database\Manipulation\Traits\Having
225 trait Framework\Database\Manipulation\Traits\Join
226 trait Framework\Database\Manipulation\Traits\OrderBy
227 trait Framework\Database\Manipulation\Traits\Select
228 trait Framework\Database\Manipulation\Traits\Set
229 trait Framework\Database\Manipulation\Traits\Values
230 trait Framework\Database\Manipulation\Traits\Where
231 class Framework\Database\Manipulation\Update
232 class Framework\Database\Manipulation\With
233 class Framework\Database\PreparedStatement
234 class Framework\Database\Result
235 class Framework\Database\Result\Explain
236 class Framework\Database\Result\Field
237 class Framework\Database\Statement
238 class Framework\Date\Date
239 class Framework\Debug\Collection
240 class Framework\Debug\Collector No 0.188
241 class Framework\Debug\Debugger
242 class Framework\Debug\ExceptionHandler
243 class Framework\Debug\SearchEngines
244 class Framework\Debug\Timer
245 class Framework\Email\Debug\EmailCollection
246 class Framework\Email\Debug\EmailCollector
247 class Framework\Email\Header
248 class Framework\Email\Mailer
249 class Framework\Email\Message
250 enum Framework\Email\XPriority
251 class Framework\Events\Events
252 class Framework\Events\EventsException
253 class Framework\Factories\Factory
254 class Framework\HTTP\AntiCSRF
255 class Framework\HTTP\CSP
256 class Framework\HTTP\Client\Client
257 class Framework\HTTP\Client\Request
258 class Framework\HTTP\Client\RequestException
259 class Framework\HTTP\Client\Response
260 class Framework\HTTP\Client\ResponseError
261 class Framework\HTTP\Cookie
262 class Framework\HTTP\Debug\HTTPCollection
263 class Framework\HTTP\Debug\HTTPCollector
264 trait Framework\HTTP\HeaderTrait
265 class Framework\HTTP\Message
266 interface Framework\HTTP\MessageInterface
267 class Framework\HTTP\Method
268 class Framework\HTTP\Protocol
269 class Framework\HTTP\Request
270 class Framework\HTTP\RequestHeader
271 interface Framework\HTTP\RequestInterface
272 class Framework\HTTP\Response
273 trait Framework\HTTP\ResponseDownload
274 class Framework\HTTP\ResponseHeader
275 interface Framework\HTTP\ResponseInterface
276 class Framework\HTTP\Status
277 class Framework\HTTP\URL
278 class Framework\HTTP\UploadedFile
279 class Framework\HTTP\UserAgent
280 class Framework\Helpers\ArraySimple
281 class Framework\Helpers\Isolation
282 class Framework\Image\Image
283 class Framework\Language\Debug\LanguageCollection
284 class Framework\Language\Debug\LanguageCollector
285 enum Framework\Language\FallbackLevel
286 class Framework\Language\Language
287 class Framework\Log\Debug\LogCollection
288 class Framework\Log\Debug\LogCollector
289 class Framework\Log\Log
290 enum Framework\Log\LogLevel
291 class Framework\Log\Logger
292 class Framework\Log\Loggers\EmailLogger
293 class Framework\Log\Loggers\FileLogger
294 class Framework\Log\Loggers\MultiFileLogger
295 class Framework\Log\Loggers\SAPILogger
296 class Framework\Log\Loggers\SysLogger
297 class Framework\MVC\App
298 class Framework\MVC\Controller
299 class Framework\MVC\Debug\AppCollection
300 class Framework\MVC\Debug\AppCollector
301 class Framework\MVC\Debug\ViewsCollection
302 class Framework\MVC\Debug\ViewsCollector
303 class Framework\MVC\Entity
304 class Framework\MVC\Model
305 interface Framework\MVC\ModelInterface
306 class Framework\MVC\Validator
307 class Framework\MVC\View
308 class Framework\Pagination\Pager
309 class Framework\Routing\Attributes\Origin
310 class Framework\Routing\Attributes\Route
311 class Framework\Routing\Attributes\RouteNotFound
312 class Framework\Routing\Debug\RoutingCollection
313 class Framework\Routing\Debug\RoutingCollector
314 interface Framework\Routing\PresenterInterface
315 class Framework\Routing\Reflector
316 interface Framework\Routing\ResourceInterface
317 class Framework\Routing\Route
318 class Framework\Routing\RouteActions
319 class Framework\Routing\RouteCollection
320 class Framework\Routing\Router
321 class Framework\Routing\RoutingException
322 class Framework\Session\Debug\SessionCollection
323 class Framework\Session\Debug\SessionCollector
324 class Framework\Session\SaveHandler
325 class Framework\Session\SaveHandlers\DatabaseHandler
326 class Framework\Session\SaveHandlers\FilesHandler
327 class Framework\Session\SaveHandlers\MemcachedHandler
328 class Framework\Session\SaveHandlers\RedisHandler
329 class Framework\Session\Session
330 class Framework\Validation\BaseRules
331 class Framework\Validation\BaseValidator
332 class Framework\Validation\Debug\ValidationCollection
333 class Framework\Validation\Debug\ValidationCollector
334 class Framework\Validation\FilesValidator
335 class Framework\Validation\Rules
336 trait Framework\Validation\Traits\FilesValidator
337 trait Framework\Validation\Traits\Validator
338 class Framework\Validation\Validation
339 class Framework\Validation\Validator
340 class GdFont
341 class GdImage
342 class Generator
343 class GlobIterator
344 class HashContext
345 class InfiniteIterator
346 class InflateContext
347 class InternalIterator
348 class IntlBreakIterator
349 class IntlCalendar
350 class IntlChar
351 class IntlCodePointBreakIterator
352 class IntlDateFormatter
353 class IntlDatePatternGenerator
354 class IntlException
355 class IntlGregorianCalendar
356 class IntlIterator
357 class IntlPartsIterator
358 class IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator
359 class IntlTimeZone
360 class InvalidArgumentException
361 interface Iterator
362 interface IteratorAggregate
363 class IteratorIterator
364 class JsonException
365 interface JsonSerializable
366 class LengthException
367 class LibXMLError
368 class LimitIterator
369 class Locale
370 class LogicException
371 class Memcached
372 class MemcachedException
373 class MessageFormatter
374 class MessagePack
375 class MessagePackUnpacker
376 class MultipleIterator
377 class NoRewindIterator
378 class Normalizer
379 class NumberFormatter
380 class OpenSSLAsymmetricKey
381 class OpenSSLCertificate
382 class OpenSSLCertificateSigningRequest
383 class OutOfBoundsException
384 class OutOfRangeException
385 interface OuterIterator
386 class OverflowException
387 class Override
388 class PDO
389 class PDOException
390 class PDORow
391 class PDOStatement
392 class ParentIterator
393 class ParseError
394 class Phar
395 class PharData
396 class PharException
397 class PharFileInfo
398 class PhpToken
399 class Random\BrokenRandomEngineError
400 interface Random\CryptoSafeEngine
401 interface Random\Engine
402 class Random\Engine\Mt19937
403 class Random\Engine\PcgOneseq128XslRr64
404 class Random\Engine\Secure
405 class Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar
406 enum Random\IntervalBoundary
407 class Random\RandomError
408 class Random\RandomException
409 class Random\Randomizer
410 class RangeException
411 class RecursiveArrayIterator
412 class RecursiveCachingIterator
413 class RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator
414 class RecursiveDirectoryIterator
415 class RecursiveFilterIterator
416 interface RecursiveIterator
417 class RecursiveIteratorIterator
418 class RecursiveRegexIterator
419 class RecursiveTreeIterator
420 class Redis
421 class RedisArray
422 class RedisCluster
423 class RedisClusterException
424 class RedisException
425 class RedisSentinel
426 class Reflection
427 class ReflectionAttribute
428 class ReflectionClass
429 class ReflectionClassConstant
430 class ReflectionEnum
431 class ReflectionEnumBackedCase
432 class ReflectionEnumUnitCase
433 class ReflectionException
434 class ReflectionExtension
435 class ReflectionFiber
436 class ReflectionFunction
437 class ReflectionFunctionAbstract
438 class ReflectionGenerator
439 class ReflectionIntersectionType
440 class ReflectionMethod
441 class ReflectionNamedType
442 class ReflectionObject
443 class ReflectionParameter
444 class ReflectionProperty
445 class ReflectionReference
446 class ReflectionType
447 class ReflectionUnionType
448 class ReflectionZendExtension
449 interface Reflector
450 class RegexIterator
451 class ResourceBundle
452 class ReturnTypeWillChange
453 class RuntimeException
454 interface SeekableIterator
455 class SensitiveParameter
456 class SensitiveParameterValue
457 interface Serializable
458 class SessionHandler
459 interface SessionHandlerInterface
460 interface SessionIdInterface
461 interface SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface
462 class Shmop
463 class SimpleXMLElement
464 class SimpleXMLIterator
465 class Socket
466 class SodiumException
467 class SplDoublyLinkedList
468 class SplFileInfo
469 class SplFileObject
470 class SplFixedArray
471 class SplHeap
472 class SplMaxHeap
473 class SplMinHeap
474 class SplObjectStorage
475 interface SplObserver
476 class SplPriorityQueue
477 class SplQueue
478 class SplStack
479 interface SplSubject
480 class SplTempFileObject
481 class Spoofchecker
482 interface Stringable
483 class SysvMessageQueue
484 class SysvSemaphore
485 class SysvSharedMemory
486 interface Throwable
487 class Transliterator
488 interface Traversable
489 class TypeError
490 class UConverter
491 class UnderflowException
492 class UnexpectedValueException
493 class UnhandledMatchError
494 interface UnitEnum
495 class ValueError
496 class WeakMap
497 class WeakReference
498 class XMLParser
499 class XMLReader
500 class XMLWriter
501 class XSLTProcessor
502 class ZipArchive
503 class __PHP_Incomplete_Class
504 class finfo
505 class mysqli
506 class mysqli_driver
507 class mysqli_result
508 class mysqli_sql_exception
509 class mysqli_stmt
510 class mysqli_warning
511 class php_user_filter
512 class stdClass

Logger: Framework\Log\Loggers\MultiFileLogger

Destination: /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/storage/logs/

Log Level: 0 DEBUG


No log has been set.

Available Levels

Level Name

Default Locale: en

Current Locale: en

Supported Locales: en, es, pt-br

Fallback Level: 0 (none)

Rendered Messages

2 messages has been rendered.

# File Line Message Locale Time
1 home title
Aplus Framework
en 11.948
2 home description
The app is running! Yep!
en 0.024


There are 4 directories set.

# Directory
1 /home/developer/.config/composer/vendor/aplus/routing/src/Languages/
2 /home/developer/.config/composer/vendor/aplus/debug/src/Languages/
3 /home/developer/.config/composer/vendor/aplus/mvc/src/Languages/
4 /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/app/Languages/

Available Messages

There are 15 message lines available to the current locale (en).

# File Line Message Pattern Locale Fallback
1 debug exception
en none
2 debug exceptionDescription
Something went wrong. Please, back later.
en none
3 debug exceptionTitle
Error 500 - Internal Server Error
en none
4 debug file
en none
5 debug line
en none
6 debug message
en none
7 debug trace
en none
8 home description
The app is running! Yep!
en none
9 home title
Aplus Framework
en none
10 routing error404
Error 404
en none
11 routing pageNotFound
Page not found
en none
12 validation exist
The {field} field does not exist.
en none
13 validation existMany
The {field} field has at least one value that does not exist.
en none
14 validation notUnique
The {field} field is not registered.
en none
15 validation unique
The {field} field has already been registered.
en none



Is Secure: Yes

Protocol: HTTP/2.0

Method: GET

URL: https://demo.aplus-framework.com/

Server: nginx/1.18.0

Hostname: vps55214


Type Name Version Platform Is Mobile
Browser Mozilla 5.0 No


Name Value
cf-visitor {"scheme":"https"}
User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; [email protected])
CDN-Loop cloudflare; loops=1
X-Forwarded-Proto https
cf-ipcountry US
Accept-Encoding gzip, br
Accept */*
cf-ray 9275889adf791404-ORD
Host demo.aplus-framework.com


Protocol: HTTP/2.0

Status: 200 OK

Sent: Yes

Time Sending: 5.015 ms


Name Value
Date Fri, 28 Mar 2025 07:49:55 GMT
Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8

* Note that some headers can be set outside the Response class, for example by the session or the server. So they don't appear here.

Body Contents

<!-- DEBUG-VIEW START default:home/index -->
<!-- DEBUG-VIEW START default:_layouts/default -->
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <meta name="description" content="Website built with Aplus Framework">
    <meta name="theme-color" content="#000">
    <title>Aplus Framework</title>
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico">
        body {
            background: #fff;
            color: #000;
            font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
            font-size: 1rem;
            line-height: 1.5rem;
            margin: 1rem;

        a {
            color: #f0f;
            text-decoration: none;

        a:hover {
            text-decoration: underline;

<!-- DEBUG-VIEW START default:home/index::contents -->
<h1>Aplus Framework</h1>
<p>The app is running! Yep!</p>

<!-- DEBUG-VIEW ENDED default:home/index::contents -->

<!-- DEBUG-VIEW ENDED default:_layouts/default -->
<!-- DEBUG-VIEW ENDED default:home/index -->

Matched Route

RC Method Origin Path Action Name Has Options Time to Match Runtime
1 GET https://demo.aplus-framework.com / App\Controllers\Home::index home.index No 4.787 22.316

Route Collections

There is 1 route collection set.

Route Collection 1

Origin: https://demo.aplus-framework.com

Route Not Found: Closure

Routes Count: 2

Time to Serve: 1.252 ms

# Method Path Action Name Has Options
1 GET / App\Controllers\Home::index home.index No

Router Infos

Auto Methods: Off

Auto Options: Off

Default Route Action Method: index


Total of 14 placeholders.

Placeholder Pattern

Base Directory: /var/www/demo.aplus-framework.com/app/Views/

Extension: .php

Layout Prefix: _layouts/

Include Prefix: _includes/

Rendered Views

Total of 2 rendered view files.

# File Type Time to Render
1 home/index render 13.607
2 _layouts/default layout 0.502